Also, don't tell anyone who might tell Audrina. Well... maybe I shouldn't be posting this on a blog where ALL MY FRIENDS AND ENEMIES can see it. But I've made such a SHOCKING DISCOVERY, it would be COMPLETELY STUPID not to tell everyone I know AND THEN SOME!
I could just tell you, but a picture's worth a thousand words, and a video is like a million pictures so that's like
Find transcript here.
WHAT?! ISN'T THAT INSANE?! I am SO GLAD I left my camera running! But what do you think Audrina said to Caston to make him go along with the plan? Do you think they're going to go into a full-scale WAR???? Like Audrina and Caston on one side and Lilyann and Carson on the other? I will tell you this: I once got in a war with Audrina Chalbany. Yeah, there's a reason she's the popular one!
Side note: shout out to our newest viewer from India and the 6 VIEWERS from the Philippines! 👍 If you want to, leave a comment! We would love to hear from all of you!

you did the right thing good job