2020 Fall Photos are in!

 Here they are! Everyone who ordered one got their own custom fall photo! Winter photos are next!



The Hurricane Master




What an amazing group picture! 

Now, we're going to add a bit of a CHALLENGE to Fall Photos! You (yes, you!) will be able to vote on whose Fall Photo was the best, and whose was the worst! The person who gets the most votes for the WORST will GET A PIE SLAMMED IN THEIR FACE!  The person with the most votes for the BEST will GET TO SLAM A PIE IN THE OTHER PERSON'S FACE!
Who do you think should get a pie in the face? Vote here!
Polls close at 11:59 EST on October 30, 2020, so we can SLAM PIES IN PEOPLE'S FACES ON HALLOWEEN!  
I voted for Audrina...
for the WORST!

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