Best Blogs of This Week!

 Hey everyone!

Hmmmm got in the picture with me! (By the way, his actual name is Penday, and you can read more on Rennis's website!)

I thought I'd try something a little different, with all the drama and stuff going on. I love looking at other people's blogs on the internet, and I thought I'd make a list of the top 5 blogs of the week! Here are the rules. 

  • The blogs must have made a post this month
  • The blogs must be kid-friendly
  • The blog must be made inside of Blogspot (so we can find it)
  • Blogs will probably not in more than one week if there are people who want their blogs to be featured and didn't get to, because we want to make sure that everyone gets a chance to be featured!
  • It can't be blogs that The Sometimes Studios owns, or blogs that our close friends own. 
  • If your blog is up here and you don't want it to be, just contact me at and I'll take it down. 
  • If you want your blog up here but it isn't, just message me! Blogger is a big place, and I will never be able to find ALL the blogs. 
I will tell you that Audrina Chalbany spends a lot more time blogging than I do, and she found a lot of these herself. You might even see her comments on some of them! 

This week's winners:
  1. Foo the Craft-Paca
  3. My Sentiments
  4. A Student's Day
  5. Clare Henney
Congratulations to everyone who won this week, and to all the other blogs out there! If you want YOUR blog featured, you can email me, or just go into the contact form on the side of the page. So long!

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