The Hate Blog: A History

I read Amelia's post about Mrs. Incognito, and it got me thinking. Why is this blog called the Hate Blog? Why is Mrs. Incognito SO important? After talking to some friends and scrolling down on the blog A TON to get to the very first posts, I've compiled a timeline of how the hate blog was created. 
*Cue the dramatic music*

June 1, 2020

The very first post was posted by Mrs. Incognito. On the same day, Mrs. Incognito posts about the Hurricane Master. I wonder whatever happened to that. 

The first post about Rennis, that same day! 

July 6, 2020
People didn't know who Mrs. Incognito was, and that is what made her so famous. 

July 7, 2020
This was the day Hate Blog history was made. Tallinn posted his first and only post that would get him 26 comments and 60 VIEWS! Today, this is still the most popular post on the Hate Blog. 

July 8, 2020
Audrina and I come in to try and post some NICE things. We decided a trip to Australia would be nice enough. 

July 11 and 12, 2020
Maria and Lilyann take our lead and start posting, too!

Mrs. Incognito tries to get more people to pay attention to her, but people don't really care...

Fast forward 2 1/2 months, and you've got the blog we have right ow. Dramatic and shallow, but also really fun. Who knows what the future holds with this blog, but with Audrina with us, it's not gonna be pretty! 



I guess there's a first time for everything! 
See ya soon! 

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