The WILD Party Yesterday!

 So, yesterday was Dennis and Izzy's wedding. It wasn't that great of a wedding. Let me explain why. 

First of all, Dennis wasn't there. He said he was Iron Man, but it just didn't seem like Dennis. But Izzy didn't care! She just decided to marry Tallinn. Tallinn, of course, didn't know about this. 

Izzy proposes and marries Tallinn at a wedding where she was gonna marry someone else. 

Tallinn wears a weird little skirt for some reason. Tallinn and Dennis are not articulated, so it was kind of hard to take the picture. I really don't think that Dennis is Iron Man. 

I took a picture of Tallinn and his weird skirt. No judgement... but you know... JUDGEMENT. 

Since Lily is missing, Tallinn just thinks all of her stuff is up for grabs, and took her Segway! Not surprisingly, he isn't the only one who has done this! Rennis made a website selling her clothes, Audrina wears her clothes, and Amelia uses her chair. Do you think we'll find Lily? Comment below!

Oops! I accidentally take a picture, and Dennis/Iron Man is in the background!

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