What I Think of Amelia and Isabelle's Comment Stream

 So, if you guys haven't already heard, Izzy and Amelia got into this HUGE fight the other day! I'll show you what that looked like...

After I show you this BEAUTIFUL picture of ME! 

Okay, now on to the fight. 
So, Izzy started out with a post saying, "hey, I'm fashionable," and Amelia got mad and started to say all of these mean things to her. She said that she made the post first, but she had just copied the picture from Izzy because they got their pictures taken at the same time, but Amelia posted it before Izzy did. Izzy told her to "say more," but that was because Izzy knew that this comment stream was public, but apparently Amelia didn't. She said some more mean things, Izzy told her that it was public, bing-bang-boom, everyone haes Amelia. 
Amelia claims it was Rennis's "powers" making her mean and saying these bad things. Izzy didn't believe her, and told everyone to look at the post. 

Lilyann Beckett says, "I can't believe you said all of those awful things, Amelia!" Then Isabelle makes here profile say Lily, and posts "you are the worst," to make it look like Lily wrote that. Lily tells Isabelle that SHE would never say anything like that. 

So... what do I think? 

I think that Amelia WASN'T controlled my magic or anything else. I think she was worried that Isabelle would make her go even lower on the popularity list. When we had the list, she wasn't that high up. She was like 6 or 7. She just wanted to say all of these mean things to Izzy, but didn't know that the comment stream wasn't private. 

About Lily and Izzy pretending to be Lily...

This isn't the first time thins kinda thing has happened. If you aren't aware, thse kind of people will go to great lengths to keep their popularity. Remember when Lily hacked into Iz Girl's (Isabelle's) computer to spread lies about her? I even took a screenshot. 

That WAS most definitely Lily. Isabelle deleted the post right after she saw it, but I managed to get a screenshot. 

What do you think about this drama? Comment below!

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  1. I think that they should just stop fighting!

  2. Easier said than done! She is trying to make it so that I am UNPOPULAR! Well, I'm gonna do something about that! Tune in tomorrow at 8:45 am EST!

  3. You had me at fight!
