Reviewing the OLDEST POSTS!

 So you guys. It's been a long time. The first post on the Hate Blog was on June 1st. It's August 27. You better believe that after almost three months, it's kind of hard to find some post-able comment. Seriously, though! We've published 116 posts in total. We've kind of run out of ideas. 

That's why I thought that it would be a good idea to review some of our older posts, and pretend like they are sooooooooo old even though we just made them less than three months ago. Maybe even my friends will join me in posting about them! Let's get started. 

Okay, so let's just add a beautiful picture of me. We don't really need it, but I've done it on every single other post (challenge: find a post where I didn't include a picture of myself- you can't!) so why stop now? Okay, now onto business. 

Here is the first post. The very first post on the Hate You Bad blog. You can just click here to see it, because the only other option is to click this button
About a million times. You're welcome!
So, it was posted by Mrs. Incognito on June 1st. "do you know who the hurricane master is? I do, so if you figure it out [me] then I will tell you who the hurricane master is. So when you figure it out just post it so I can see [or we]. 
The things that I put in brackets were the things that I didn't think made sense in the sentence. Wow, Mrs Incognito! You have AWFUL grammar! It sounds like Mrs. Incognito doesn't know who the Hurricane Master is, and she is trying to trick people into telling her who it is! I can't believe we've been talking about the Hurricane master for this long! 
Emotional! ðŸ˜¢ðŸ˜¢ðŸ˜¢ðŸ˜¢ðŸ˜¢ðŸ˜¢ðŸ˜¢ðŸ˜¢ðŸ˜¢
See y'all soon! 


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