Our Friendship Is Over

 Yep, I called it! In this post, I said that my friendship with Rennis wouldn't last. Guess what? I was right! Rennis hates me now. Here's how it happened. 

So, apparently Rennis didn't know that I was engaged to Caston, even though I talk about it a lot. So he kept on trying to ask me out, even though I kept on telling him that we were just friends. Then he made a notebook with the letter "a" on it for his token of love for me. Even though I didn't love him, I really wanted the notebook. Do you know how many people Rennis likes? Nobody, that's who. I wanted to keep it to show everyone that Rennis liked me. But he saw me and Caston kissing, so he called the whole thing off. He told me my notebook had fallen down the sewer, and he gave it to Amelia, who's name also starts with "a." Ironic, I know. Then I saw Amelia with MY notebook that had supposedly fallen down the sewer, and I got mad. I grabbed it, and she grabbed it back. It turned into a full-scale WAR. 

The notebook's mine, people. 


I can't believe you, Rennis!

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