AUDRINA'S SHOPPING LIST | POST ONE | I Review a Washing Machine- for Barbies!

 Okay you guys, I'm gonna start REVIEWING THE BEST BARBIE APPLIANCES! YAY!

No cheers or clapping? Oh-kay...

Anyway, the first thing I am going to review is the BARBIE WASHING MACHINE! I would like to thank my best sponsor, Audrina Chalbany. By the niceness of her, I was gifted a washing machine, and SHE PAID FOR ALL OF IT! Let me try it out!


This post is NOT sponsored. This is my actual honest opinion. I hope you like it! 

So first, you have to get ONE shirt, pair of pants, or dress to put in the washing machine. Any more will make it overflow. 

Second, you have to put in water and Jazmyn Multi-Purpose Solution. DO NOT POUR TOO MUCH SOAP. If you do, it will overflow. Also, if you pour too much water, it will leak. 

Now, you press the button on the right. Make sure you closed the lid! 


Now, your clothes are going to be washed. It takes about 2-4 minutes for a thorough wash with the soap, then empty it and rinse with water for another 2-4 minutes. THE WASHING MACHINE WILL SHAKE, but do not be alarmed. Of some soap flows over the edge, just wipe i off with a towel. 

To empty your washing machine for the rinse cycle, just take the tube attached on the right, unclip it, and place it in a water collection basin. 


I really like this washing machine. I like that it is actually motorized, unlike many Barbie products. It leaks a bit, but only if you add too much water. It did not come with the stickers it said it would come with though. It actually cleaned my clothes, which was super cool! I would totally recommend this to a friend. 9/10! 
If you want it, you can purchase it here

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