Sixth Stop: Canberra!

Oh, yes guys! We are in CANBERRA right now! It is CRAZY BEAUTIFUL! Little known fact: Canberra is actually the capital of Australia! Many people think it is something like Melbourne or Sydney, but nope! It's Canberra! It is a really amazing place. I remember going here as a child for a school trip. Caston doesn't seem to be enjoying Australia as much as I am, so I hope he likes it more soon. He's just scared of spiders!

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  1. I think I speak for everybody when I say I Canberra stand to look at another picture of you two.

    1. Amelia! I know you love drama- I do to! Just not when it's being used AGAINST me!

    2. Come on, Audrina! I know you're upset, but if we want to beat Mrs. Incognito and Tallinn, we have to work together as a team.

  2. I AM SO MAD AT YOU TALLINN!!! (I know you can't hear, but I'm clicking the keys REALLY LOUDLY). *CLICK* YOU'RE *CLICK* THE *CLICK* WORST!

  3. I love Canberra! I've been there twice, and it is so beautiful!
