Fourth Stop: Melbourne!

Hello, everyone! I know you guys have been anxiously waiting for my next post, and here it is! We are in MELBOURNE! EEEEE! It is *such* an amazing city. There is so much to see, and so much to do! We took a lot of pictures, and are so excited to share our experience with you! We saved money from a hotel, because we have a camper. It is so awesome! Here is one of the best pictures we took! 
Love Audrina Chalbany and Caston Haneslon D'Vayne. 

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  1. you are trash

  2. What?! I thought you were acting NICE! We are NOT TRASH, and I thought you were friends with me, Rennis! Come on!

  3. did you know that caston can not drive

  4. What?! Caston can't drive? Audrina, maybe you should take over driving for the rest of your trip.

  5. I TOTALLY CAN DRIVE! Audrina, why did you spread the rumor that I couldn't?
