At the Fall Photos Poll! If you guys don't know, the Fall Photos Poll is a poll where people can vote on their favorite and least favorite Fall Photo! The person who gets voted the best will GET TO SLAM A PIE IN THE FACE OF T%HE PERSON WHO GETS VOTED THE WORST! Isn't that SO exciting?! The poll closes at 11:59 EST on October 30, 2020, so we'll be PIE SLAMMIN' on HALLOWEEN! Right now, AUDRINA IS LOSING! She's got voted THE WORST by four people! Make sure you cast your vote, so AUDRINA WILL DEFINITELY LOSE! You know who I voted for!

Click here to vote. It will only take like 30 seconds! 10 seconds if you do it AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT!!!

I know this seems out of character for a nice person like me, but I was triple-dog dared to make this post, you guys. TRIPLE-DOG DARED. 

Vote for me!!

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