เออพวกมึง! ว้าวฉันไม่มีใครจะแปลสิ่งนี้ (หรือรู้ภาษาไทย) ถ้าคุณทำได้ดี! นี่คือถ้วยรางวัลที่มองไม่เห็น It's PICTURE DAY! 

Yay! Pictures!

So, if you don't know, we have this other super cool blog called Hate Photos! (Hate photos because it kind of goes with Mrs. Incognito's Hate Blog). You can find it here. You can also find it by clicking photos when you first log onto the blog!

On this blog called Hate Photos, we post a TON of Barbie stock photos! We've posted one EVERY SINGLE DAY, ever since September 10th! So, if you go on at 8:00 AM EST, you'll know there will be a new photo! Isn't that cool? We had to take a lot of pictures the other day, so we can schedule them to post every day for months! I'll show you how we got one of my favorite pictures! 

So first, I held put my hand in front of the blue screen. Blue screens are SUPER COOL, because you can go on your phone or computer and change the background! So you can make it look like you are standing on the beach, on the moon, or anywhere else you want! 

Then I changed the background to a gold glitter (labeled for reuse), and put a poop emoji in my hand! It's not perfect, because there is still some blue around my hair, but you wouldn't notice unless it was pointed out. 

My picture isn't up on the blog yet, but I know it is going to post before November 1st, so stay tuned! 
Since Monica is in Constanța (she never works, although she gets paid by the boatload!) we have to email all the pictures to her, and then she posts them on the Hate Photos blog. The only problem is that she HATES ALL OF THE PICTURES WE SEND! She's always like, 
"There's still some blue around your hair!"
"Is that background labeled for reuse?"
"Are you writing this down?"
but she can't take her own photos because she doesn't have a camera... anymore. 
Thanks, Audrina! 
Amelia Rostene

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