I Can't Believe You.

 So I had just went skydiving, and I went to the spa, so I could get my hair touched up. Caston told me that it would be a good idea to take a "social media detox," and I agreed because I had nothing better to do. 

Here I am at the spa. 

So I sat there. 

And I sat there. 

I sat there for ages. 

Five long minutes later, my detox was over, and I was finally allowed to go on Blogger. Let me tell you, I was VERY surprised at what I saw.  

Caston is apparently VERY WORRIED about me skydiving for SOME WEIRD REASON. One, stop trying to control me! Second, I am not as injured as you claim. Third, you can't disclose my medical information! 

Just let me skydive. You know I love it. Speaking of which, it's time for my afternoon skydiving lesson! 

Catch you later! 


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  1. Audrina Chow-bunny, you should listen to Caston. He knows so much. The man has really lived!!
