Daily Dose of Drama June 2020 Magazine Review

Ok you guys, here it is! My DDOD June 2020 review! (I'm not sure if this is posted on the DDOD Blog yet, but I will tell you when it is)! So, here is the page I am reviewing!

Oh, that's not the page. That is me. 

This is the page. Ut says: So did you know how rich Lily is? Like really and you need to not trust her or Kaston because he will just eat whip cream. First of all, Caston's name is spelled C-A-S-T-O-N. But I'm just gonna ignore that, because we have a bigger problem. CASTON DOES NOT JUST EAT WHIPPED CREAM! He takes pride in his healthy diet. I have not seen him eat whipped cream even once. There is a lot of drama in these magazines. Secondly, I didn't know Lily was rich enough to stuff her toilet full of coins! Seriously! What do you think? Is this stuff true? Comment below!

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  1. Whoa. That's crazy. But Rennis told me that all the stuff is true. Be on the lookout for another review from me!
